Block 1 |
| Organizers : Forum Organizing Committee |
 | Thematic Line 1. Designing the Future: Foresights, Scenarios, Forecasts. |
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 | Thematic Line 3. The Best Practice of Regional and Municipal Strategic Planning, Planning Technology News |
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 | BFR Methodology: The Last Mile From Strategy To Results |
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 | Welcome Address |
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Block 2 |
| Organizers : Department of Strategic Development and Innovations of Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Federal Treasury, Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation, Center for Strategic Research, IBS Expertise |
The state is faced with challenge to increase efficiency of the state strategic management by development and implementation of intelligent technologies aimed at automation of strategic planning procedures and processes, as well as creating the automated support system of management decision making.
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 | International experience in using data for strategic planning purposes |
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 | Development and Implementation of Effective Strategic Planning Mechanisms Using the Federal Information System for Strategic Planning (FIS SP) |
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 | Ecosystem approach to modeling and management (for example, ICT) |
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| Organizers : The Future Designing Group, Department of Strategic Development and Innovations of Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation |
1. Russia has not submitted a single unique proposal for the world development agenda, or at least has not said that the proposal is unique. It points to the problem of Russia’s visionary lag.
2. This raises the challenge of rethinking and fundamental revision of modern scenarios for developing of the world and the Russian Federation. It is crucially important to include the latest humanitarian technologies, both developed in the Russian Federation, and attracted from the best world practices of technological development.
3. The challenge is to assess the strategic project landscape of modern Russia and build up a visionary strategic move towards 2035.
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| Organizers : Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation, Government of Leningrad Region, Center for Strategic Research, The Consortium Leontief Centre – AV Group |
Subjects of Russian Federation have accumulated valuable experience in developing strategic priorities and long-term planning documents. At the same time, ineffective implementation of selected priorities is mostly related to the current costs of public administration: low flexibility of human resources technologies, lack of correlation between strategic and budgetary planning, insufficient incentives for application of new management approaches, ineffective interagency cooperation, imperfection of motivation systems, etc. As a result of the strategic session, participants will present a set of recommendations for federal and regional executive authorities aimed at improving efficiency of public administration.
 | Government 2.0: from Strategy to Tactics |
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| Organizers : All-Russian Congress of Municipalities, Yekaterinburg City Administration, ICSER Leontief Centre |
The City Strategies Contest 2017 is held to improve application of proposals of the Federal Law № 172 of June 28, 2014 "On Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation", to spread the strategic planning experience at municipal level, to identify innovations and effective solutions of socio-economic challenges in municipalities. Participants will present the strategy’s content and its development process, followed by a discussion tour, announcement of results by expert jury members and determination of winners - finalists.
 | Strategy of Socio-Economic Development of the Stavropol City until 2030 |
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 | Strategy of Socio-Economic Development of the Ulyanovsk City Municipality to 2030 |
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 | Strategy of Socio-Economic Development of the Saratov City Municipality to 2030: Main Goals, Tools and Implementation Resources |
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 | Strategy of Social and Economic Development of Tomsk City Municipality to 2030 |
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 | Volgograd |
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 | Strategy of Socio-Economic Development of the Kazan City until 2030 |
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Moderators : , |
 | Perm City 2030: Happiness is not far away |
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 | Welcome Address |
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| Organizers : Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, ICSER Leontief Centre |
DEVELOPMENT will address issues of regional development and strategic planning, using the
experience of near and far abroad. Discussion will be attended by experts, scientists, politicians, public
figures at the highest international level of the Council of Europe, European Commission, Organisation
for Economic Cooperation and Development, Association of European Border Regions and other
Within the framework of the round table, the jubilee meeting of the Association of European
Border Regions will be held jointly with the AEBR Task Force of External Borders, Association of
European Border Regions alongside with the representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the
Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and various international experts.
Moderators : , |
 | Strategic Planning with the Landscape: the Council of Europe Landscape Convention, a Platform for International Co-Operation |
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 | The Civil Society as a Resource and an Implementation Tool in the Cross-Border Cooperation |
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 | Rural development: what have we learned in 20 years; what must we do in the next 20? |
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 | Implementing International Cultural Cooperation |
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Moderators : , |
 | 25 years of Cooperation between the Russian Federation and the World Bank: Regional Aspects |
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 | Enhancing Russian-EU cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region |
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 | Baukultur: a New Vision for a Better Urban Living Environment |
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 | Regions as Key Drivers for Growth: a Case Study of FEDRA, NeoConnect & EPHEC University College |
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 | How Mayors and Cities Are Collaborating to Meet Global Challenges |
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| Organizers : Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, ICSER Leontief Centre, Nordic Council of Ministers |
Within the round table participants will showcase strategic approaches and complex solutions to provide efficient and safe operation of urban transportation systems, including solutions for development of cycling and other non-motorized modes of transport. The round table will bring together leading experts and city managers to present pilot projects of multimodal city quarters in the historical city centers, to discuss public policy in sphere of transportation planning and public transport development, the role of public and municipal authorities in providing "sustainable mobility" in cities and regions of Russia.
Moderators : , |
 | Development of non-motorized modes of transportation and small personal e-mobility means an important alternative to using a car in cities |
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 | Weather Conditions and Prospects for Developing Cycling Culture in Moscow |
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 | Cycling Along the Baltic Sea: How Can International Cycle Routes Contribute to Bicycle Infrastructure in Regions such as the Leningrad Oblast |
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 | Design within a New Culture of Placemaking from a Nordic City’s Perspective |
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 | Greenways development in Europe/Latvia/Estonia, further opportunities in Russia |
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 | Nordic Green to Scale – Low-Carbon Success Stories to Inspire the World (Transport). Presentation of the report and Project results on behalf of the Nordic Council of Ministers |
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Block 3 |
| Organizers : Center for Strategic Research, RANEPA, Department of Strategic Development and Innovations of Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation |
Nowadays state and public institutions are experiencing drastic and permanent transformation, caused by explosive spread of continuously developing new technologies. The transfer of independent decision making challenges to technological solutions has become the most significant step, moving beyond the linear development frames of existing constructions and becoming possible by improvement of artificial intelligence systems. Today it is widely used by business community and citizens, making it possible to achieve high efficiency and significantly influence on existing state institutions in the near future.
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 | Artificial Intelligence |
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| Organizers : ANO "Institute for Public Finance Reform" |
Within the round table participants will discuss synchronization challenges of goal-setting, programming and budgeting documents, practical experience of synchronous planning of program-target tools at different administration levels and the alignment practice of strategies for socio - economic development, state programs and budget. Besides, it is planned to discuss proposals of expanding the practice of combining strategic and budgetary planning, corresponding strategies, state programs and budgets, methods of calculating financial resources necessary for regional strategies’ implementation, and inclusion of various state regulation mechanisms into state programs.
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 | Practice Strategic Planning and Budgeting in the Far East: Features of Horizontal and Vertical Synchronization |
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 | Experience in Strategic Planning and Programming in the Regions |
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| Organizers : Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation, Government of Leningrad Region, Center for Strategic Research, The Consortium Leontief Centre – AV Group |
Subjects of Russian Federation have accumulated valuable experience in developing strategic priorities and long-term planning documents. At the same time, ineffective implementation of selected priorities is mostly related to the current costs of public administration: low flexibility of human resources technologies, lack of correlation between strategic and budgetary planning, insufficient incentives for application of new management approaches, ineffective interagency cooperation, imperfection of motivation systems, etc. As a result of the strategic session, participants will present a set of recommendations for federal and regional executive authorities aimed at improving efficiency of public administration.
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| Organizers : Resource Centre on Strategic Planning under the Leontief Centre (RCSP) |
| Organizers : Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, ICSER Leontief Centre |
Topics for discussion:
• Common interests - Common benefits: what is the direction of integration and joining the efforts of participating countries?
• Utilizing integration processes in the regions.
• How cooperation affects the regions, how can border regions benefit from their geolocation?
• Which forms and mechanisms of cooperation are used now, and which should be developed?
• Which institutions work today, and which need to be created for a successful cooperation management?
• Common strategies for the cross-border region development, aimed at the reduction of the negative consequences of global instability as well as effective positioning on the foreign markets.
• Effective networking strategies within the cross-border cooperation; creating opportunities for joint export to third countries
• Humanitarian cooperation.
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 | AEBR Task Force of External Borders |
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 | Framework for Strategic planning of cross-border cooperation |
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| Organizers : Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation, Government of St. Petersburg (Committee for Nature Use, Environmental Protection and Ecological Safety), Council of the Baltic Sea States, State Geological Unitary Enterprise "Specialized Company "Mineral", Association for Interregional Socio-Economic Cooperation "Central Federal District", ICSER Leontief Centre |
Within this FORUM GREEN DAY event Russian participants together with their European colleagues will
discuss new goals and implementation experience of strategic plans, 2030 AGENDA and 17
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (SDGs). Russia plays an important role in the Council of the
Baltic Sea States Expert Group on Sustainable Development, which will present a new macro-regional
Baltic 2030 Action Plan.
How do Russian and EU cities implement the 17 SDGs 2030 within the Baltic Sea region?
What are the challenges we face and resources available for the SDGs successful achievement?
Key challenges: action plans and sources of public and international support, aimed at modernization of
manufacturing processes, complex implementation of tools to provide transition of cities and regions of
Russia to sustainable development, inclusive and environmentally friendly economy, based on
innovations, taking into account the best international practices.
Session Agenda: Baltic 2030 Action Plan to achieve SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS,
Flagship projects and cooperation platforms with Russian Partners in the Baltic Sea Region ,
presentation of the Russian operator for implementing programs, projects and decisions of the Baltic
Marine Environment Protection Commission (HELCOM) in Russia; new opportunities for RU cities and
regions to take part in the Baltic 2030 Action Plan implementation.
Moderators : , |
 | State Unitary Enterprise "Mineral" is a single operator for the implementation of programs, projects and decisions of the Helsinki Commission in Russia |
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 | Sustainable Development in an Norwegian Industrial Town |
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 | The Baltic Sea: from a Common History to a Common Sustainable Development |
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 | Energy, Climate and Urban Sustainable development in the Baltic Sea Region |
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 | Welcome Address |
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 | The Impact of Climate Change on the Urban Environment on the Example of St. Petersburg |
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 | Cluster of Sustainable Development 2030 |
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 | Rethinking sustainability. Implementing Sustainable Development Strategies and Regions: From Talk to Work New Culture of Place Making from a Nordic Perspective |
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Moderators : , |
 | Availability of the environment as one of the conditions for sustainable urban development. Experience of the project "Friendly Cities" |
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 | Nordic Green to Scale – Low-Carbon Success Stories to Inspire the World. Presentation of the report and Project results on behalf of the Nordic Council of Ministers |
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 | Baltic 2030 Expert Group on Sustainable Development (EGSD) |
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Block 4 |
| Organizers : Forum Organizing Committee, Government of St. Petersburg |
On December 1, 1997 at the meeting of the General Council of the Strategic Plan of St
Petersburg the first planned new type of document in Russia was adopted - the Strategic Plan of St
The Jubilee Plenary Meeting will be devoted to the analysis and generalization of twenty years of
experience in the institute formation of Strategic Planning in Russia.
The meeting will be attended by the heads of St Petersburg, participated in development and
implementation of strategic planning documents in 1997-2017, as well as government officials of the
federal and regional level, and experts who have extensive personal experience in strategic planning
and made a significant contribution to the development of the theory and practice of strategic planning.
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 | The First Strategic Plan of St. Petersburg - a Memory of the Future |
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Block 5 |
| Organizers : Forum Organizing Committee |
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets of the 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development adopted by world leaders in September 2015 at an historic UN Summit.
Universal, inclusive and indivisible, the Agenda calls for action by all countries to improve the lives of
people everywhere. In Russia, the new sustainable development goals (SDGs) are considered as a
powerful consolidating factor, which will bring together the global community’s efforts to mobilize
additional resources needed for an effective response to the new challenges in the economic, social and
Moderators : , |
 | Strategies of Russian Regions: Contribution to the Global Agenda 2030 and Achievement of 17 Sustainable Development Goals |
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 | VEBs Strategy: Outstripping Development of the Country |
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Block 6 |
| Organizers : Department for Territorial Development Planning of Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation |
Globalization of the world economy has led to quantity and quality changes in regional processes. On the contrary, an increasingly important role in the world economy is played not by national states, but regions, agglomerations and large cities. Over the past decade, we have seen many cases of "successful regions" such as Baden-W?rttemberg and Munich (Germany), Cambridge (Great Britain), Stockholm (Sweden), Randstad (Netherlands), Lyon (France), Dallas (USA), S?o Paulo (Brazil) and others. At the same time, it remains an open question whether can we consider the best world practices as basic models of regional development, given the differences in geographic, institutional, cultural and other conditions between regions? Will mechanisms operating in the same region be equally successful in the other?
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Moderators : , |
 | Innovation clusters in the digital economy. Creating conditions for rapid growth of start-ups |
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 | Realization of the model of endogenous development of the regional economy: the role of small and medium-sized enterprises |
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| Organizers : The Consortium Leontief Centre – AV Group, Krasnodar Region Administration |
The draft Strategy for Socio-Economic Development of Krasnodar Region, being developed with the best modern technologies, will be ready in October. The region’s Administration brings it up for discussion at the Strategic Planning Forum’s Expert Council composed of leading Russian experts.
Moderators : , |
 | Welcome Address |
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 | Live Strategy "Kuban-2030" |
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Moderators : , |
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| Organizers : Committee for Economic Development and Investment Activity of Leningrad Region, Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation |
The state programs institution has been active for almost four years, but it has not become the effective strategic planning tool. In fact, the state program is a document of budgetary planning, being complicated, contradictory, ungoverned and able to fix just a volume of budget expenditures. So, it should not be satisfied just with disbursement or the formal process, but achievement of the final result established in strategic planning documents. Besides, according to the development priorities it is necessary to prepare a new scheme for implementing budget investments.
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| Organizers : Institute of Place Marketing and Branding, National Institute for Competitiveness |
Small cities amount to 2/3 of Russian cities and 25% of the Russian population. They share common challenges: shortage of jobs, low wages, gradual depopulation, decline of the social sphere. At the same time, small towns act as keepers of many truly Russian traditions - spiritual, cultural and business. The round table is aimed to discuss the best practice of small towns’ development and revival used by municipal government, business and the public.
 | Development strategy of the Lensk District Municipality of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) until 2030 |
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 | Student Summer Schools as a Tool for Developing Small Town Development Projects in Russia |
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 | Local identity and tourism in a small city as a "point of assembly" of the local community |
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 | Creating a high-quality modern trade infrastructure in small towns - a key factor in the development of the urban environment |
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 | Problems of tourism development in small towns, for example in Vyazma City, Smolensk Region |
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| Organizers : Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, South-East Finland - Russia CBC 2014-2020, Committee for External Relations of St. Petersburg, ICSER Leontief Centre |
The Year of Ecology in the Russian Federation has determined the main theme of the
round table Russia - EU Cross-Border Cooperation: results of the Program 2007-2013, as well as
opportunities for cooperation within new generation Programs 2014-2020 with the aim to improve the
environmental situation in the Program area.
- Which projects in the field of ecology, implemented in the past programming period, are the most
successful and sustainable?
- Which direction has been chosen by each participating country for its new Programming period
projects (Large Scale Projects and Standard Projects)?
- To what extent do CBC projects in the field of Environment protection promote implementation of
national environmental strategies and the sustainable development objectives of the
Program area?
Moderators : , |
Moderators : , |
 | Lake Peipsi as the Common Strategic Platform for Cross-Border and International Cooperation |
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 | Project "Adaptation of the urban environment to the negative effects of climate change" (SE-497 CliPLivE) |
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 | Russia-EU cross-border cooperation programs: participation of SPbTPP in the development and implementation of "green" projects |
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 | Environmental cooperation |
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 | CBC Programmes on the Finnish-Russian border 2007-2013 and 2014-2020: environmental issues on the scope |
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 | State of Play: South-East Finland – Russia CBC 2014-2020, Results: South-East Finland – Russia ENPI 2007-2013 |
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 | The Year of Ecology and cross border partnerships |
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 | Latvia-Russia Cross-Border Cooperation Program for the period 2014-2020: Environmental Priorities |
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| Organizers : Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, ICSER Leontief Centre |
On April 20, 2017, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin adopted the Environmental Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2025. The Strategy gives a strict assessment to environmental conditions in Russia: 74% of people live on the territory hazarded by negative impact of transport, energy and manufacturing. 89% wastewaters do not get filtered before getting discharged into the river or filtered poorly. 30-40% of people use polluted water. 4 billion tons of waste products accumulate per year further to 30 billion tons that have already existed. Russia’s GDP falls by 3-4 % per year due to environmental problems.
Challenges to discuss:
- Does the Government Action Plan have enough recourse to achieve the Environmental Security Strategy goals?
- What economic mechanisms and institutional schemes will provide widespread implementation of the ecologically effective technologies in all Russian economic branches?
- What are the future changes in the recycling system?
- How to encourage manufacturers to use "green" technologies?
- What kinds of measures are taken to support public organizations, involved in providing
environmental safety at the federal and regional levels?
 | Development of "Green" Economy in Russia: Opportunities and Perspectives |
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Moderators : , |
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 | The Strategic Directions of Development of the Environmental System of the Russian Federation |
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 | Ecological Education in St. Petersburg on the Path to Achieving Quality Education as a Goal of Sustainable Development |
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 | Green Technological StartUps: Role and Place in Implementing the Environmental Security Strategy of the Russian Federation |
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 | Strategy of development of the industry for processing, utilization and neutralization of production and consumption wastes for the period up to 2030 |
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 | Why has the GREEN topic becoming State Strategy? |
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 | Ecological Strategy of the city of Moscow for the period until 2030 |
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| Organizers : The Russian Export Center |
Proposed to discuss common approaches to develop, fill in and implement the regional strategies of export potential of the subjects of the Russian Federation. Participants will also share experience on preparing the export strategies for private and public companies.
The session’s participants will talk about non-primary and non-energy exports of the federal subjects, as well as approaches for the further development of both traditional and innovative industries in the context of developing Russia’s foreign economic potential.
The event will be resulted in a set of recommendations to the regional executive authorities aimed at developing export strategies for the federal subjects.
 | Development of export of Russian regions through the prism of the priority project "System Measures for the Development of International Cooperation and Export" |
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Block 7 |
| Organizers : Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation, The Consortium Leontief Centre – AV Group, Institute of Regional Studies and Urban Planning of National Research University Higher School of Economics |
Representatives of executive authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation will share their experience of interaction with all-Russian development institutions and establishment of regional development corporations.
In addition, representatives of all-Russian development institutions (Vnesheconombank, state corporations, investment funds, etc.) will present new tools for working with regions and attracting resources for implementation of strategic projects.
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Moderators : , |
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| Organizers : ICSER Leontief Centre |
| Organizers : Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation, The Consortium Leontief Centre – AV Group |
The round table will provide an overview of approaches to organization of project activities in federal and regional authorities, considering current challenges of implementing project management principles and solutions. Participants will discuss the best practice of implementing project management mechanisms, including establishment of regional project offices, as well as tasks of further use of project management as a tool for improving the quality of public administration.
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 | Application of Project Management in Improving the Efficiency of Municipal Government |
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 | Project Management in the Arkhangelsk Region - Introduction Features |
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| Organizers : All-Russian Congress of Municipalities, Yekaterinburg City Administration, ICSER Leontief Centre |
The City Strategies Contest 2017 is held to improve application of proposals of the Federal Law № 172 of June 28, 2014 "On Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation", to spread the strategic planning experience at municipal level, to identify innovations and effective solutions of socio-economic challenges in municipalities. Participants will present the strategy’s content and its development process, followed by a discussion tour, announcement of results by expert jury members and determination of winners - finalists.
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 | Strategy of socio-economic development of the city district "City of Komsomolsk-on-Amur" to 2032 |
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 | Strategy of Social and Economic Development of the Angarskiy District for the period 2017-2030 |
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 | Surgut - a City of Opportunities! |
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 | Dimitrovgrad. City of Opportunities |
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| Organizers : VASAB Committee on Spatial Planning and Development of the Baltic Sea Region, Council of the Baltic Sea States, Committee on IT and Communications of St. Petersburg, Pixel Networks Ltd, ICSER Leontief Centre |
Todays’ cities and regions have already stepped into the era of digitalization. The experience of
the leading countries of the Fifth Industrial Revolution shows that intelligent machines, neural networks,
artificial intelligence develop when there is an innovation-friendly environment and talent, when
ecosystems are built for smart future cities with e-governments, intelligent transport systems, smart
homes and open comfortable public spaces, convenient online services, electronic voting systems and
active public participation in the form of the information society. And digitalization creates a lot of new business opportunities, for networking not only People, but also Things.
But will the digitalization process only favor the interests of technology, business and government
- or will it be an open and understandable process, regulated by numerous stakeholders? And how can we make use of Big Data, digital technologies for economic growth, without harming nature and for the benefit of the inhabitants of cities and regions?
 | Estonian network of regional development centres. E-identity and E-residency |
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 | Approaches to Form Smart City Project Concept for Krasnoyarsk in the Context of Digital Economy Development Trends |
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Moderators : , |
 | Prerequisites and Prospects for Digitalization in the Regions of Russia |
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 | Smart Cities and Regions. Technologies, Scenarios and Projects of Digital Transformation |
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 | Indicators of "Smart Cities" |
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 | Smart St. Petersburg |
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Moderators : , |
 | Public-private partnership - an effective format for the development of smart cities infrastructure |
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 | Smart City of Krasnoyarsk - Digital Economy Development Trends |
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 | Digitalization at the State and Regional Levels |
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 | Smart Tampere - Building the Smart City Ecosystem |
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 | Smart Stockholm |
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| Organizers : Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, ICSER Leontief Centre, Danish Cultural Institute in St. Petersburg, Nordic Council of Ministers |
Within the panel session experts from Russia, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Germany, Finland,
Spain and other countries will discuss global trends in development of intelligent transportation systems,
modern approaches to eco-driving, traffic regulation of cyclists as road users, development of cycling
economy and cycling culture, information technologies and tools for effective sustainable transportation
systems, cycling opportunities in cities with a cold climate, Winter Cycling Congress 2018 in Moscow,
Moderators : , |
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 | Eco-mobility in the Kaliningrad Region |
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 | GREEN DENMARK: Environmental issues and solutions |
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 | EV Norway. Powered by nature: a guide to Norway, the world’s leading EV market |
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 | Mobility as a Service - a Challenge that Requires the Transport Planning Paradigm Shift |
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 | Priority Project "Bicycle Petersburg" |
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Block 8 |
| Organizers : Center for Strategic Research, The Russian Guild of Managers and Developers |
Urban environment development challenges include in agenda at the federal level. The strategic priority project "Housing and Public Utilities and Urban Environment" is being implemented in Russia. The urban environment cannot be comfortable without a modern public transport.
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| Organizers : The Consortium Leontief Centre – AV Group |
Within the round table participants will showcase the next round of the study entitled Regions Competitiveness Index-2017 @ (AV RCI). The key output – "development teams provide growth and increase of competitiveness". Updating the strategies under implementation of the FL №172 will be more efficient if federal subjects consider their role in macro-regional growth poles and development corridors.
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 | Indicators of "Smart Cities" |
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 | Digital Transformation: a New Horizon for the Competitiveness of the Economies of Regions |
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| Organizers : Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation |
Challenges to discuss:
• To study strategic aspects of developing non-profit sector and social entrepreneurship, increasing their role as subjects for development of the Russian economy and the social sphere. In particular, within inclusion of NGOs in rendering of social services provided for the budget account.
• To analyze formation of services market in the social sphere and access to it by NGOs, specific features of NGOs development as new economic agents in this market and their state support, and specific features of formation of services market at the regional level.
• To sum up approaches to assessment of NGOs efficiency in rendering of social services compared to public and municipal institutions.
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Moderators : , |
| Organizers : First Transport Infrastructure Company, Infrastructure Economics Centre |
The following issues will be discussed:
1. The urban route network as the most important intangible asset
2. Innovations in the legal regulation of public transport
3. Application of concessions in public transport
4. Socio-economic efficiency of the development of public transport on the basis of concession agreements
5. Road map for the preparation and implementation of concession agreements in the field of urban public transport.
6. Developing urban railways on the basis of existing infrastructure as an alternative to building new branches of the subway.
7. Success story - the year of operation of the small Moscow railway ring. Who is next: St. Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Rostov-on-Don or other agglomeration?
 | Transformation of urban tramway systems into the subway light on the basis of concession agreements |
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Moderators : , |
| Organizers : Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Committee for External Relations of St. Petersburg, INTERREG Baltic Sea Region Programme Joint Secretariat, ICSER Leontief Centre |
The Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation together with the Managing
Authority/Joint Secretariat of the Programme and the Russian national sub-committee (RNSC) organise
an information seminar and master-class on the conditions, cooperation themes for Russian and
European regions in the BSR on three Programme priorities within the third call for applications:
• Priority 1: Capacity for innovation.
• Priority 2: Efficient management of natural resources.
• Priority 3: Sustainable transport.
The following agenda will be presented during the seminar: results of the second call for
applications and approved projects with Russian partners, issues on funding support of the Russian
participation and signature of the financing agreement, that will allow co-financing activities of Russian
organisations for the efficient implementation of projects in all the priorities of macro-regional cooperation
agreed by all the BSR countries.
 | Results of the Second Call for Applications and National Support to Projects |
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 | Interreg Program Baltic Sea Region 2014-2020 |
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 | Interreg Program Baltic Sea Region 2014-2020 |
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Moderators : , |
 | Introduction and General Information about Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014-2020 |
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 | Main Principles of the Financing Agreement for Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme |
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 | Project «Cities.multimodal» - Urban Transport System in Transition Towards Low Carbon Mobility |
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 | The Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme, 5th Call (5th Call) |
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 | Project «Cities.multimodal» - Urban Transport System in Transition Towards Low Carbon Mobility |
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 | Introduction and General Information about Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014-2020 |
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 | The Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) |
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Moderators : , |
 | Information Support During the Third Call for Proposals |
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 | Interreg Program Baltic Sea Region 2014-2020 |
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 | Interreg Program Baltic Sea Region 2014-2020 |
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Recomend |
| Organizers : Non-profit Partnership "City Homeowners Association", Saint-Petersburg Cleantech Cluster for Urban Environment, Government of St. Petersburg, Council of the Baltic Sea States, ICSER Leontief Centre, BALTIC CLEANTECH ALLIANCE, Territorial-Industrial Complex (Cluster) "AGROPOLIS "ALKEEAGROBIOPROM", Saint Petersburg Cluster Development Centre of Saint Petersburg Technopark |
"How to become a cluster-leader of the investment attractiveness on the global level" is the key
challenge of the round table, organized mainly by the International consortium "Saint-Petersburg Cleantech
Cluster for Urban Environment", established in 2014 at the VII St. Petersburg Innovation Forum. Today
Cluster unites over 50 participants from Russia, Finland, Norway and Denmark and is actively working on
the following innovative platforms:
- Global Cleantech Cluster Association (GCCA) brings together over 50 national Cleantech
clusters, representing over 10,000 Cleantech companies around the world.
- BALTIC CLEANTECH ALLIANCE established using a cluster-based approach, promoting
cooperation between already existing clusters of the Baltic Sea region: Finland, Latvia and Russia.
- Green Clusters of Russia, the all-Russian cluster association established for implementation of
effective and mutually beneficial joint programs, cluster initiatives and intercluster projects in the
sphere of clean technologies.
The session will address the following topics:
- Strategy of the priority project of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
entitled Development of Innovative clusters - Leaders of Investment Attractiveness of the World
Level, leaders’ selection procedure, and recommendations for implementing a development
strategy and road maps for clusters-leaders.
- Action plan to form the national technological initiative in Russia based on the experience of the
Green Net Finland, Finnish Cleantech Cluster.
- The flagship international project “Sustainable Development Cluster 2030” aimed at implementing
17 SDGs in the Baltic Sea region and involving Russia in 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
 | Eco-Polis: center of influence in the global settings on the greening of the economy of the region |
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 | Innovation clusters in the digital economy. Creating conditions for rapid growth of start-ups |
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 | The Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) |
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 | Green Net Finland - Experience of Finnish and St. Petersburg Cleantech Clusters in the New Project Russian NTI GreenNet |
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 | Finnish Water Forum, Knowledge Based Management - Finnish Experience |
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 | ECOLAND: from Green StartUps Joint Actions to Cluster Project |
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 | Cooperation with the state and municipalities on the development of clusters |
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Moderators : , |
Moderators : , |
 | Cluster of Sustainable Development 2030 |
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Block 9 |
| Organizers : Forum Organizing Committee |